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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sometimes I cant help but think : Maybe I'm really a loser in human relationships.
I seemed to have very little tolerance for human nature and well that includes myself and this explain why I'm often angry or upset with myself.
Recently I was quite pissed off with a friend of mine.
'Pissed off' would be less inappropriate cos I wasn't exactly angry with him
Hmm... perhaps annoyed ? irritated by his 'forever never-ending' whining of poverty
Alright, as much as I agree saving for rainy days is essential..
But I really think there is no need to go around telling people about the 101 ridiculous ways of saving money.
And trust me! nobody is interested to find out how patrotic you are to your family business.
OK! I know you want to be successful, very successful or even most successful!
That's enough! Once is enough.. Bugging me in every msn conversation turns me off.
This is not any kind of backstabbing or wad..
Maybe he is proud of his dreams, his goals etc and wish to share them with his friends but individual's acceptance to every thing differs. The ability to digest and absorb content differs.
I hope this friend of mine can do something about it
Cos' I know I'm not the only one whom he relate his great aspirations to again and again..
But still... I don't know what
But afterall he is still our friend and we still treasure the friendship

- My Prerogative
6:23 AM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I don't know how I should say..
But I'm so unattached to my job.. this job of mine is so meaningless
I cannot find motivation in my job..
The Japanese bosses only treat employees at managerial level as human.
Rank and file staffs to them are like dirt.
Well, it's not like I'm very bothered..
To me : Don't know; Don't care..
I cannot be bothered to talk to them.. cos even when you communicate with them.. they do all the talking but they don't listen. And when they listen, they misunderstood.
I thank the culture barrier.
Frankly speaking, other than my payroll peak period, I'm idling around and staring into blank space on the rest of the days.
I know my career shouldn't be like this..
There is practically nothing more to learn.
If there is, the only thing is office politics.
Never ending office politics..
Office politics from different business setting with different characters..
Yes, office politics are bloodless wars
I know readers will start cursing me if I were to say there were more learning opportunities and exposure granted from my previous employment.
I know this is what people call easy life and easy cash and they all say I should stop whining about being 'free' in the office.
But I don't want to waste my youth..
Haiz... I'm hoping for the recovery of the global economy every moment so that I can change my job..
I shouldn't be shaking legs in the office everyday at the age of 22...

- My Prerogative
7:04 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I've finally convinced myself to hang on there with my T70.
Okay, I've bought a new charger and 1 more new battery...
So, please...

- My Prerogative
6:39 AM

Friday, June 5, 2009

Will they give me what I want ?
Will they give me something beyond my expectation ?
Anticipating the unknown~

- My Prerogative
4:25 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dear people, I'm back from Hong Kong !
Super shag!
As usual, Hong Kong to tian is all about walking from streets to streets for 16 hours a day
Though burned, contented as well.
Photos will be soon available on Facebook.
Back to work is as good as back to hell.
Sian ah....

- My Prerogative
4:17 AM

Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm quite convinced that office politics is inevitable in every office setting so it would really be fine if I'm spared from going through the torment of all the misunderstandings, explanations, doubts etc ...
I'm really not interested to know what's going on in the dark ...
Neither am I interested to know who is not on good terms with who...
Just leave me alone...
Spare me from the buzz..
Spare me from the troubles..
Many thanks

- My Prerogative
7:07 AM

Friday, May 22, 2009

I've finally found a way to recover my long-lost blogger ID and password!
Back to blogging!

- My Prerogative
4:13 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mr Wang and very Belated Birthday to Mr Zhang

To Mr Wang : Be happy cos' you deserve to be happy

To Mr Zhang : All the best for your ACCA~

- My Prerogative
6:59 AM

Monday, December 29, 2008


- My Prerogative
11:25 PM

Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's time we kiss year 2007 goodbye!
Goodbye to the unhappiness
Goodbye to the tears
Goodbye to the emotional distraught
Goodbye to the xiao rens
2008 gonna be a better year!

The above was quoted from my blog entry dated 1 January 2008

Nevertheless, 2008 aint a very prosperous year for tian.

In terms of career, I did not excel , neither have I bring myself far.
I blindly devoted myself in work with the silly thought that all the efforts will be appreciated in due time. Left with residues of physical, mental and spiritual fatigue, I escaped from the place where I once thought it possess all the favourable factors to germinate the seeds of my career.

My human relationship aint any better. As a person, I was overly emotional. Bugged by sense of insecurity,I was always afraid that my friends will leave me prolly cos' I knew it too well that friends come and go. This sense of insecurity puts me in uncertainty most of the time. I was super sensitive. It even came to be that I'm upset when my close friends make new friends. I don't trust cos' I have this feeling that every individual come together with motive(s). I hurt myself and my friends.

I failed terribly as a student. I did not attend classes diligently. I even got myself into the state where I failed the entire semester and gotta retake certain modules.

Well, despite all these in the year 2008 I've also learnt quite a no. of new things, gained experiences and knew more people. Haha, Perhaps 1 of the more positive things I've gained before bidding goodbye to year 2008 is - I've learnt to gradually see and accept things this way - 每以次的经历都会让人成长.

加油 tian

- My Prerogative
2:41 AM


chronic shopper
yearn for simple life


LV Damier Speedy


第一次看着你 就为你心动

聪明的我 怎能让你走

第二次看见你 我竟然失控

是我的错 请你原谅我

第三次看见你 想要告诉你

我真的爱你 是真爱你

第四次看着你 我有些要求

请你能够 安安静静的聆听







Want be your lover want be your man



Can you be my lover don't wanna be your friend





因为我Want be your lover want be your man

Can you be my lover don't wanna be your friend




December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009



photobucket Keslyn